Saturday, December 21, 2019

Frida Kahlo The Only Thing I Know - 1375 Words

The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration. – Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo is a very fascinating individual who has been through a lot in her short life. Though there is so much to say about the past of Frida Kahlo from her ghastly affair’s and man like tendencies, she was a very interesting women who was defiant and resilient in her own way. Even though in the Mexican heritage, women are looked down upon from the male prospective, Frida was way before her time. So much so that she is now used as a feminist symbol and icon. Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 and lived in a house that her father built in Mexico City (Tuchman). Kahlo was†¦show more content†¦She is â€Å"in empty plain under her feet a stormy sky (Girl with the death mask (Girl with the death mask (She Plays Alone). Both of the masks that are portrayed in the painting have more of a dark feeling. The little girl is supposed to represent the innocence of Frida and that masks are the uncertainly of her fate (Girl with the death mask (She Plays Alone). Not only did Frida have to suffer and defeat the horrible disease of polio, but just twelve short years later Frida was in a horrible automobile accident. Most of Frida’s paints consisted of her and her tragedies and her friends and family. The history behind most of Frida’s painting consisted of her struggles through life. It was a consistent reminder of her sufferings. The first is the bus crash that happened so sudden that it took everything by sur prised. Frida is her early life wanted to study medicine as well as loving craft of painting and art, but after the crash, she went to full time painting (Frida Kahlo). The artistic career path that showed more accomplishment and admired after the death of Frida, then when she was alive. For her paintings started selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars even millions of dollars. Being confined to a bed for three months, and being immobilized, sheShow MoreRelatedFrida Kalho: One of the Best Essay1197 Words   |  5 Pagesimpacted society. Frida Kahlo was one of those artists. Till this day, Kahlo is revered as one of the best. Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderà ³n was born July 6th, 1907 in Coyoacà ¡n, Mexico, which was located on the outskirts of Mexico City. Frida was the 3rd daughter born out of 4 children. Her father was born in Pforzheim, Germany. He was the son of the painter and had a major influence on Frida’s artistic ability. Frida was close to her father for most of her life. Kahlo alleged that herRead MoreFrida Kahlos Influence Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesFrida Kahlos Influence Frida Kahlos influence still lingers around the world. Even with Frida dead for almost two decades, she is still celebrated and thought of as an idol. Frida Kahlo was an artist in many different ways. 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