Sunday, December 29, 2019

Persuasive Essay On School Uniforms - 979 Words

The age old argument of whether or not uniforms and dress codes should be enforced in schools seems to never conclude. The issue of appropriate clothing in schools is controversial and provoking. Many argue that abolishing a student’s choice in their attire violates their freedom of expression. Students use what they wear to express themselves; their clothing gives them a sense of a unique style and identity. Others argue that permitting students to wear whatever clothing they like can create unnecessary distraction and competition in schools. Above all, both sides of the spectrum provide compelling arguments to support their case. The uniform is viewed as a symbol of school pride, as well as professionalism. The school uniforms give†¦show more content†¦This makes the school routine in the mornings nearly effortless. A dress code enforces a set of regulations regarding what students are permitted to wear to school. Dress codes have been established in order to ensure that students dress appropriately for school, which is considered by many to be a professional environment. Dress codes have become a prevalent topic of conversation in recent years, due to their strict and occasionally ridiculous restrictions. For example, in March 2014 a third-grader in Colorado, who shaved her head to show solidarity with a friend going through cancer treatment, was suspended for one day. She was suspended, because she was in violation of her school’s dress code (Summers Seidel, 2014). Dress codes have come under fire for their gender bias. An informal survey conducted by Juana Summers and Aly Seidel found that dress code rules are more strict towards women than men. Women’s attire is the main area of focus when it comes to dress codes. At a high school in Ocala, Florida, an elaborate slideshow was made to show students what was appropriate to wear for their prom night. Prom dresses were the primary focal point of the presentation. Nothing about the mens attire was mentioned in the slideshow (Summers Seidel, 2014). Likewise, in Spring Independent School District near Houston, Texas, a long list of rules was given to girls about the length, back line, torsos,Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On School Uniforms717 Words   |  3 Pages The idea of school uniforms has been a vital point within school districts for a long time now. As a parent with two kids within the school system, it is a popular trend amongst schools as both my children’s schools require for their student to wear uniform. However, more recently, students as well as parents are beginning to disagree with the enforcement with school uniforms as they believe uniforms are possibly taking away the right of self-expression for students. Although this is a valid complaintRead MorePersuasive Essay On School Uniforms723 Words   |  3 Pagesmandatory for students to wear uniforms, they have evidently been misled. Uniforms kill individuality and creativity, are too expensive for some, and can lower both self-esteem and performance of students in school. Many critics are bringing to light the crisis of dropping individuality and creativity; we cannot afford let it plummet any further. School uniforms destroy diversity and kill courage, on top of preventing individual student expression. In addition, school uniforms provide an almost jail likeRead MoreSchool Uniforms Persuasive Essay1470 Words   |  6 PagesBenefits of Uniform Adoption in Public Schools Ever wonder what it would look like to have all students wearing the same white polo shirt, black pants, and a district sweater walking in the hallway? Nowadays, public school and many districts are discussing the possibilities of enforcing the uniform policy. In most places, many private schools already require students to have their mandatory uniforms; however, there are only a few public schools adopting this mandatory school-uniform policesRead MoreSchool Uniforms Persuasive Essay1069 Words   |  5 Pagesmany schools around the world enforce uniforms, requiring students to wear specific clothing. School uniforms, which was first established in 16th century England, are a topic of much debate in the public school system of the United States. Many people feel that uniforms reduce competition among students and bring a sense of unity in school. People who are against school uniforms think that they prevent students from expressing themselves and inhibits creativity. M any students dislike school uniformsRead MoreSchool Uniforms Persuasive Essay1001 Words   |  5 PagesMake a Difference? If schools could automatically have more safety, a stronger sense of unity within students, and higher self esteem for every individual student at a minimal cost without transgressing any laws, or stepping over students rights it is doubtful that many would turn up their nose to all of these things. There is no difference between this situation and the benefits that school dress codes would provide. While the majority of public schools do not require uniforms, the ones that do reportRead MoreSchool Uniforms Persuasive Essay1127 Words   |  5 PagesAssociation (2016), an estimated 160,000 students missed school every day due to a fear of violence and harassment from their peers. Students at many schools, including my own, have become more divided. This division has resulted in bullying especially towards students that stand out from the crowd with the way they look and dress. Along with continuing the anti-bullying programs already in place, public schools should implement a school uniform in order to reduce divisions among students, which shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On School Uniforms1422 Words   |  6 PagesCatholic elementary school, middle school, and high school. I found it easier to attend and focus on school when wearing the same clothes as everyone else. Today, tiny southern towns even to the nations largest cities, public school uniforms have become so common this year that in many areas, they are no longer the exception, but the rule (Lewin â€Å"Dress for Success: Public School Uniforms†). Imagine a parent’s comfort in knowing their child was being treated as an equal at school each and every dayRead MorePersuasive Essay On School Uniforms1671 Words   |  7 Pages Hari Mainali South University School Uniform â€Æ' Abstract Freedom of dress is violated by restricting on school uniform. A school and university have their own dress code which does not require a particular dress. Some researcher and scholar suggest misbehavior in the student are the result of banning uniform. But misbehavior is what they acquired in their life. Banning uniform, student can exercise their right to express themselves freely. Student will be able to focus on education and saveRead MoreSchool uniform persuasive essay2016 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ School Uniforms: Agree or not? Uniforms are globally used at schools around the world, especially schools in Asia. In Asia, the policy of wearing uniform enforces strongly during school hours and whenever at schools. The policy is enforced because schools want to teach discipline to their students and prevent unanticipated troubles at school. The policy of school uniforms is not completely implemented in the United States, especially public schools. According to the US Department of Education,Read MorePersuasive Essay On School Uniforms1889 Words   |  8 Pagesfor all schools to implement school uniforms in the classroom for all students. Schools everywhere across the America are changing their policies due to changes of their dress code. Whether it be due to vulgar language, inappropriate content, or the same outfit for all students, this is becoming more popular across America. In a recent study done by Statistic Brain it has shown that twenty three percent of countries across of America have implemented a pol icy that requires school uniforms. The school

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Frida Kahlo The Only Thing I Know - 1375 Words

The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration. – Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo is a very fascinating individual who has been through a lot in her short life. Though there is so much to say about the past of Frida Kahlo from her ghastly affair’s and man like tendencies, she was a very interesting women who was defiant and resilient in her own way. Even though in the Mexican heritage, women are looked down upon from the male prospective, Frida was way before her time. So much so that she is now used as a feminist symbol and icon. Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 and lived in a house that her father built in Mexico City (Tuchman). Kahlo was†¦show more content†¦She is â€Å"in empty plain under her feet a stormy sky (Girl with the death mask (Girl with the death mask (She Plays Alone). Both of the masks that are portrayed in the painting have more of a dark feeling. The little girl is supposed to represent the innocence of Frida and that masks are the uncertainly of her fate (Girl with the death mask (She Plays Alone). Not only did Frida have to suffer and defeat the horrible disease of polio, but just twelve short years later Frida was in a horrible automobile accident. Most of Frida’s paints consisted of her and her tragedies and her friends and family. The history behind most of Frida’s painting consisted of her struggles through life. It was a consistent reminder of her sufferings. The first is the bus crash that happened so sudden that it took everything by sur prised. Frida is her early life wanted to study medicine as well as loving craft of painting and art, but after the crash, she went to full time painting (Frida Kahlo). The artistic career path that showed more accomplishment and admired after the death of Frida, then when she was alive. For her paintings started selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars even millions of dollars. Being confined to a bed for three months, and being immobilized, sheShow MoreRelatedFrida Kalho: One of the Best Essay1197 Words   |  5 Pagesimpacted society. Frida Kahlo was one of those artists. Till this day, Kahlo is revered as one of the best. Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderà ³n was born July 6th, 1907 in Coyoacà ¡n, Mexico, which was located on the outskirts of Mexico City. Frida was the 3rd daughter born out of 4 children. Her father was born in Pforzheim, Germany. He was the son of the painter and had a major influence on Frida’s artistic ability. Frida was close to her father for most of her life. Kahlo alleged that herRead MoreFrida Kahlos Influence Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesFrida Kahlos Influence Frida Kahlos influence still lingers around the world. Even with Frida dead for almost two decades, she is still celebrated and thought of as an idol. Frida Kahlo was an artist in many different ways. Besides Fridas incredible talent to paint surrealist thoughts and emotions on canvas, she also was and artist in her mind and body. Fridas attire of traditional Mexican clothing, which consisted of long, colorful dresses and exotic jewelry, and her thick connectionRead MoreAnalysis Of Carmen Frida Kahlo1172 Words   |  5 PagesMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon, who is also known as Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter who was inspired by the Mexican culture. In her line of work, she has painted over 200 paintings, including 55 of those which are self-portraits. With her personal tragedies that are both physical and psychological, Frida painted paintings that were emotional and disturbing. 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Frida Kahlo lived and died in the same place, in the â€Å"Blue House† at 247 Londres Street in Coyoacà ¡n. Her life was centered on this home, even though she did not live there her entire life she always ended up returning to the place where it all began. Frida Kahlo wasRead MoreFrida Kahlo : An Extremely Well Know Painter1021 Words   |  5 Pages Frida Kahlo is an extremely well know painter, not only in Hispanic culture but also worldwide. She he best know for her very popular self-portraits, but there is much more to learn somewhat less visited, unique surrealism pieces of work. Kahlo was born in Mexico in 1907. She grew up along side The Mexican Revolution, which started in 1910. Aside from this, she suffered a number of other grievances by the time she reached 18 years old that would affect the rest of her life. 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Yet, it wasn’t until her death and the early 1970’s where Frida’s artistic effort started to surpass that of her political and creative husband. Her biography is both depressive and particularly interesting. Many of her private moments and experiences are sharedRead MoreAnalysis Of Frida Kahlo2070 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"pictures are worth a thousand words† and I believe when it comes to my chosen artist, Frida Kahlo, her portraits could not be a better example of that saying. All of the 200 paintings done by Frida Kahlo say more about her life and what she experienced than any article I have ever read about her. From her health issues and violent bus accident to her tumultuous marriage with her husband, Diego Rivera is all an influence in her paintin gs. I chose Frida Kahlo because I believe her paintings are not justRead MoreVisual Aspects Of The Graphic Design1719 Words   |  7 Pages As a creative-minded person, I enjoy viewing the world through all its visual aspects. Whether the things I notice are inanimate objects or breathing beings, I take locations, mediums, and other minute details into consideration when committing them to memory. I think as an up and coming media artist it is important to utilize your surroundings with your creations. The details that I notice may inspire me in my own personal works as well as those that I create for others. Everyday experiences influence

Friday, December 13, 2019

Poetry 3 Essay Example For Students

Poetry 3 Essay Since the dawn of time, human beings have been in a constant struggle to survive. Whether you are a man or women, black or white, rich or poor, the hardships of life have seemed to bind us together in a very cruel world. Many poets write about poverty, envy, and the outcome of war which are just a few of the many battles people fight everyday.Poems such as â€Å"Women Work†, â€Å"Richard Corey†, and â€Å"The Sad Children’s Story† define the different meanings of life. â€Å"Women Work,† a poem by Maya Angelou, is the story of the monotony of a poor women’s day to day existence. It never changes; housework, feed and dress the kids, shop, cook, and work the fields. The only solace, the only redemption, is when she will become one with nature. She has no material goods to show for her hard work, but she has peace in the fact that the world around her is all that is hers. She says, â€Å"Shine on me, sunshine, rain on me, rain, fall softly, dewdrops, and cool my brow again.† The rain and the dewdrops symbolize tears falling on her in her final resting-place. She then says, â€Å"Storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind. Let me float across the sky, ‘till I can rest again.† The storm represents death and the taking away of her soul to her heavenly inheritance. â€Å"Fall gentle snowflake, cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight,† is the image of snow falling on her grave. The last sta nza is, â€Å"Sun, rain, curving sky, mountain, oceans, leaf and stone, star shine, moon glow, you’re all that I can call my own.† This last section sums up her beliefs that she finds comfort and eternal peace in nature. To her, death is nature. Edwin Arlington Robinson wrote the poem â€Å"Richard Cory† which is a fine example of envy. What you see is not always what you get. The poem states, â€Å"In fine, we thought he was everything to make us wish that we were in his place.† This line tells the reader that Richard Cory was a well know, well respected man of the community, but the people were naive to think that with riches and power comes happiness. They wanted to be like him so bad that their struggle was to attempt to live the lifestyle he was living. â€Å"So on we worked, and waited for the light and went without meat and cursed the bread,† is a perfect example of the lengths people will go to attain what they perceive is the ideal life. However, the last sentence states â€Å"And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, went home and put a bullet through his head.† All is never what it seems. In the poem â€Å"The Sad Children’s Story†, written by Grace Paley, it describes the hardships our children’s children will have to overcome due to the careless actions of their elders. It also exemplifies the long-term effects of the devastation of war, and the attitude that prevails even today that whomever causes that devastation will not have to answer to those who will suffer from it. â€Å"This house is a wreck †¦Your papers are all over the place, the chairs are covered with books, and look, brown leaves are pilled on the floor under the wandering Jews.† This stanza illustrates what happens when matters get out of control. For example, the house is a wreck due to the uncontrollable effect of war. â€Å"Your face is a wreck†¦There are lines all over your face, your necks like curious turtles. Why did you let yourself go? Where are you going without us?† The face and the lines symbolize that the person is old and aged beyond his year s. The necks like curious turtles symbolize a person hiding and ashamed of their actions. When the children ask why did you let yourself go and where are you going, they are really trying to say how can you leave us without rectifying what you have done and why are you leaving us here alone to deal with your disaster. â€Å"The world is a wreck†¦there are bombs all over the place there’s no water the fields are poisoned,† is the visual image of the horrendous outcome of war. â€Å"Why did you leave things like this?† begs an answer. The whole poem deals with, regardless of what happens, how does one generation explain what they did to the generations to come? What has happened is that the children of the people who allowed the war to take place, are bringing home their children only to find destruction and no explanation. The poem can be summed up in the last sentence, â€Å"Where can we go said the children, what can we say to our children.†Life is a struggle. Life is not easy. The three poems show and define the frailty of man and his environment. We strive to live the good life, be the good person, and do the right things, but, more often than not, we fail. There are no easy, if any, answers. We go through life by living one day at a time, and hopefully we will learn from our mistakes.